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Soft Skills and Why We Need Them

What are soft skills?

Every one of us processes some personal qualities or character traits that are commonly referred to as soft skills. They make us to be who we are, displays our habits, our attitude and how well we interact with others. They are intangible as compared to technical skills and you don’t require enrolling in any technical training to acquire them. You can learn them through life or work experiences, education and a lot of effort in your part.

The following explains the soft skills values and their transformation impact to knowledge-based economies.

  • Personal presentation: Personal presentation skills show that you understand yourself and how your appearance affects other people. Being neat and tidy as well as dressing appropriately determined what your friends think about you.
  • Altitude: The ability to stay positive even when things are not working, taking the initiative to help others even when you have not been asked to, learning from your mistakes and owning up when something goes wrong are some of the things that show your commitments to take responsibility for your own personal skills.
  • Communication: The ability to talk to other people as well as your customers either through phone, email or in person and starting the day with a word of hello to those you came across.
  • Confidence: Confidence is a soft skill that enables you to believe in yourself, gives you the ability to work with others better as well as trying to tackle difficult tasks and generally achieving them.
  • Team player: This is the ability to work with other people as a team to get things done.
  • Time management: This is an important personal skill that portrays your ability to get work done on time and meet deadlines, sticking to scheduled breaks, and showing up to work on time. This shows that you can take responsibility for managing yourself.

Why do you need soft skills?

Every occupation demands that you have a specific character. Soft skills assist you in the following ways.

  • Helps you perform your duties well
  • They allow you to efficiently and effectively utilize your technical knowledge and skills
  • They improve the way you interact with your boss, customers, and your co-workers.
  • They allow you to finish work on time.
  • They influence other people’s perception towards you, and you and how you feel about your job

Soft skills are required if you are to work in any occupation. They are valued in many varieties of fields and without them it will difficult for you to handle life’s challenges.

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